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Our First Adoption

We began our first adoption process of May of 2020. It seemed like a whirlwind of parenting classes, research, meetings, home visits, and lots of time on the phone with our agency. We were very lucky with our first process because it took place while we were working from home during the pandemic. We had a lot of time to talk and connect as a couple that was trying to grow their family. We worked together as a team to finish everything we needed to become eligible for a placement.


Once we had completed all of the paperwork, taken all of the classes, and finished our birth parent profile, we were finally ready. Our agency sent us profile from parents all over the country looking for couples to parent their children. Each family was unique and hopeful, as were we, that they would find their perfect match. Ours came sooner than expected in November of 2020. We received a profile from a beautiful couple that were looking for a couple to parent their daughter, who would be born early the following year. 


We sent them our profile and waited anxiously for any news. We heard back just over a week later that they liked our profile and wanted to speak with us over the phone. We connected with them a few days later and introduced ourselves. We talked about why we wanted to become parents and about our families. We talked for a long time, getting to learn about them as well. They had a love of animals and motorcycles, had loving families of their own, and were so in love with one another. They were choosing adoption because they new it was the greatest gift. The mother had been adopted herself and saw the joy that that wonderful gift brought to her own parents. 


We left that call feeling like it was the perfect fit, and it turns out, we were right. 


We received news from our agency that we matched with Daphne's birth parents on November 25th, 2020. It was the night before Thanksgiving while driving home. We pulled over and just hugged, so relieved that our dream of becoming parents was finally coming true. Daphne was due to be born in just 6 short weeks, so we would not have long to wait. The following day, we were able to announce it to our families and, during a year of Covid, give us all something to be truly thankful for. 


We spent the next several weeks getting ready to welcome our daughter, stocking up on diapers and newborn clothes. Thankfully, we had prepared the nursery well in advance, which was a blessing since Daphne came early. The morning of December 13th, we woke up to a call from our agency telling us to make our way down to South Carolina, Daphne had been born in the early hours of the morning! We raced to pack and before we knew it, we were on the road. 


We arrived in South Carolina around 2:00am and Daphne's birth parents welcomed us to the hospital to meet her. She was so lovingly cared for before we got there and we were amazed to finally be holding her in our arms. We had such a bond with her and her birth parents right away. Everyone was exhausted but happy, for our adoptive family was finally complete. We were brought together by this wonderful little girl that we were blessed to parent. 


After being discharged, Daphne's birth parents came to see us off and we all surrounded our shared daughter, the most perfect little girl. They understood that they were giving us the most wonderful and generous gift and we understood what that meant for them and the awesome responsibility we now had to them and to this new baby. When we walked away, we all did so happily and with the fullest hearts. 

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